Derpy Everywhere Derp

Fine, you guys win.  Everypony has been removed except an armada of Derpy clones.  I hope you are happy.

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80 Responses to Derpy Everywhere Derp


  2. Tekaramity says:

    Oh man I laughed so hard when I hit F5 and was greeted with this. Well done.

  3. Anonymous says:


  4. Anonymous says:

    oh dear god why?????????Please for the love of Celestia change it back

  5. Anonymous says:

    Did my constant writing over DAILY and making it say DERPY have any effect on this? XD

  6. Darkhawk1 says:

    Ha ha ha ha ha… Excellent! Very, very funny. Heh, as the moral of "Suited For Success," says, "If you try to please everypony, you wind up pleasing nopony." Or Brony, as the case may be. Nice.

  7. @AnonymousYes, actually, it did. You pushed me over the edge. Well done.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Ah, I see Fluttershy finally coming out from hiding behind the banner must have caused a massive cuteness overload, causing said banner to derp hardcore.

  9. Imokaywiththis.jpgCould use 20% more Derpy though~

  10. cabbit says:

    I'm either or on it, but I do love me some Derpy

  11. Samuel says:

    Sonofabitch… What the hell did you do?

  12. Darkhawk1 says:

    Look, if it makes any difference at all, I'm sorry for my fellows and myself. We didn't mean to recreate "Suited for Success," on this site, and I, at least, am sorry for putting any stress at all on both Cereal Velocity and on Sethisto.-Sithking Zero

  13. Anonymous says:

    Derpy took over Equestria Daily D:Her next target? THE WORLD >:3

  14. @Darkhawk1Dude, I had so much fun making this.Don't think about it so hard. ❤

  15. FightingFire says:

    So much Derpy, Its… Begining… to… effect… my… mind… I… can't…. DERPYDEPRY!!!!MUFFFIN!!!!!!!!!I need to mail all these MUFFINS!!!DERPY AWAAAYYYY!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Derpy is the only pony we ever needed all along.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Ugh, just when Fluttershy was added too (not that I liked how that one turned out, I felt she was so out of place).I would've liked this one better if the Derpys were from screenshots and not fanart. They do not have the same feel to them. I prefer the old one (with or without Fluttershy, I don't care.)

  18. Anonymous says:

    Well this is the closing chapter to the derpy hooves site.

  19. Lovecraft says:

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Darkhawk1 says:

    @Cereal VelocityGRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHHHHHTHISTHIS IS WHY I HATE THE INTERNETYou can't tell frackin' tone and read people's intentions… gaaahhh… If this was all face-to-face, I'd do better… grumble grumble…It is pretty funny though.

  21. Lovecraft says:

    MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF DERP.What an entertaining thing to come home to, haha. Good job, Cereal Velocity!

  22. Anonymous says:

    I'm….I'm okay with this.

  23. Anonymous says:

    He's buckled! Quickly everyone complain about something else!-Moany Pony

  24. CometCatcher says:

    I would prefer if all of those ponies were luna but ya know thats just one ponies opinion

  25. Anonymous says:

    @Darkhawk1Jonathan swift must of confused the hell out of you…

  26. Anonymous says:

    This makes me so very very happy

  27. Poultron says:

    Hahahaha, what the hell is this shit

  28. Anonymous says:

    It needs to be about 20% derpier.

  29. Anonymous says:

    It's four Derpy's and one Ditzy…There shall be muffins and we will all be happy… unless your muffin intolerant then we'll get you cupcakes… if your intolerant to that then regular pancakes without syrup.

  30. Pacce says:

    I feel like I missed something.

  31. Am I the only one who's kinda sick of this whole Derpy thing?

  32. Scherzo says:

    "All the derp that's fit to muffin"

  33. Anonymous says:

    Dear Princess Celestia,Today I learned that muffins and cupcakes can be deceivingly similar, and when delivering mail you should avoid getting frosting on the address or reading the address upside down. Also, I should avoid hanging out with Doctor Whooves too much. He's a very nice pony, but adventuring through time and space is taxing and time consuming, and I can't afford to take too much time out of my mail route. So many thing to redeliver, and accidentally getting them there before they're written is confusing for everyone. Well, I'm off to conquer Equestria Daily with my horde of clones, but I'll come deliver this to you first, so I don't lose it.Love and muffins,Derpy

  34. Thel says:

    needs more Vynal Scratch!

  35. Phoe says:

    A few minutes ago I had in my head the most brilliant idea for a story. And then I came here to check for updates before writing.And now there is only Derpy. Whyyyyyy?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous 12:07That was so cute. Oh LOVE AND MUFFINS

  37. Pecan says:

    …Derpy really needs a partner named Herpy. Just sayin'.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Could use more candy!Less CandyMore Balloons! Less balloons.Wait, I've got it! STREAMERS!. . .Whoooose fanservice is this?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Yay! Derpy! Adn the equestriaderpy no less. didn't even notice it first.@Anonymous: Derpy, off course

  40. Don_ko says:

    Can somebody explain me WTF happened?

  41. Mads says:

    ….You know, I had just gotten used to not seeing my favourite yellow pegasus greeting me when I come here. And so I go to sleep and wake up… to this? I don't know what the hay you /co/lts have been up to but I'm sta… what was I saying again? Muffins! 6_9

  42. Anonymous says:

    I can only hope this isn't permanent. I'll be very sad if it is.Derpy is fun, but she is not the be-all end-all of ponies.

  43. @PecanThat's her animal friend, a snake. Despite assumptions, the snake is a genius.

  44. I LOLed. :DI vote this be saved for future Derpy Days, April Fool's, and any other day Sethisto wants to be silly.Also, the dazed Derpy at the lower left is super-cute.

  45. Senn555 says:


  46. Putuk says:

    Needs more backround ponies.

  47. crazyredemu says:

    Needs more Godzilla

  48. Anonymous says:

    needs more derpy

  49. Anonymous says:

    This is just like Suited for Success

  50. Anonymous says:

    Twilight is the original Derpy. She did it in the intro since Episode 1 in the hot air balloon.

  51. Anonymous says:

    No Im not happy…..I WANT TO SEE THE PONIES AGAIN!!!

  52. Putuk says:

    Now that I think about it, it was funnier when we did this in goggles…

  53. Anonymous says:

    That constellation is Canis MAJOR. Not minor.What if it rains? Galoshes!!

  54. Zarkanorf says:

    Sethisto, I…I think I love you, in the most bro way possible.

  55. Retl says:

    Hrm… I think it could go with one more derp. But nah, I'm fine with this. I smiled.

  56. locojom says:

    First I was 0.0but then I was 6_9

  57. Naxts says:

    well. It certainly was funny to come on to website and be met by Derpy.I like this change!

  58. Anonymous says:

    You know what should happen? I think that the banner should now become a story of it's own. Every day or two (or three if you're lazy. :P) you could change the banner in a way to tell a story.Such as, applejack and rarity having a pillow fight while twilight pokes her head out from the side. With the positions of rarity and applejack and the pillows changing each time, to represent them actually throwing (or whatever) the pillow. And yes I took that from the actual show.

  59. Anonymous says:

    [comment part 2] since I guess the post was too big.And then each week or two start up a different story for the banner.Oh, and I LOVE THE DERPY BANNER. NO ONE CAN TRULY BE MAD AT DERPY.

  60. Anonymous says:

    have you ever derped so hard,that you changed the logo of a website?

  61. Anonymous says:

    I actually find this perfect.

  62. Anonymous says:


  63. Anonymous says:

    you JUST added fluttershy but now derp derp derp derp derp derp derp

  64. Anime Okun says:

    The Derpiness… the Derpiness! The Derpy Derpiness of all this Derping! You Derpy Derpys, you Derped it up! And all sorts of other goofy quotes. ^^Honestly, it's very cute, but I miss the old title. Or the newer title with the terrified Fluttershy. But it'll be back soon enough. Right?… … … … right?

  65. tim_kangaroo says:

    I missed this! Is that banner archived anywhere?

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